Sunday, April 18, 2010

Working The Soil

As Ardella and I were working in the garden last Friday, I remembered that last year the snow was just leaving. Ardella repaired the garden fence to prevent Spud from getting in to feast on veggies and I carried manure with my tractor and spread it. Then I tilled it under using the tractor tiller and the garden looked ready to plant. We did put in some carrots, spinach, lettuce, beets, and potatoes but it is too early for many plants as it can frost until late May.

It is always nice to get out and work in the soil. Last year a virus hit most of the tomatoes and peppers but the corn, cabbage and other vegetables did great. We are hoping the virus ran its course and will not come back. Only time will tell. At the present time Ardella has tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, and squash coming up in the house. We will keep these under lights until they are put in the garden.

Our lives are similar to a garden. If we don’t let God work in our lives, not much fruit is produced. We too can let the virus of sin destroy us and only our Savoir Jesus Christ can cleanse us. The Holy Spirit will fertilize and water us so we are useful Christians. At times we need a little pruning.

We have times of growth when we get into the Word especially when it is shared with other people. Prayer is necessary to communicate and hear from the Father. When we surround ourselves with prayer warriors, our growth can be huge. The Holy Spirit stirring in us will produce a bountiful crop for God. Get ready to be pruned, fertilized, and watered so you can grow for the Kingdom.

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