Saturday, March 13, 2010

Worm Catching

Last year at this time we still had two feet of snow covering the ground but this March our grass is turning green and trees are budding out. We plan on going fishing with our friends Ken and Dee after church on Sunday so I thought some night crawlers would be nice to take as bait. The granddaughters stayed Friday night and they wanted to help me.
We went out with flashlights and a bucket and soon found worms everywhere. This was the first time the girls had tried to catch night crawlers and they found out the worms can be quick to slide back under the ground. After a few attempts they soon were pouncing on the worms and screaming with excitement. The neighbors probably wondered what was going on in our back yard.

Grandpa is just a little proud that I was on their first worm hunt. We did let their father participate. He carried the bucket. We invited their mother and grandma but for some reason they declined. It is hard to understand that they didn’t share in our excitement. My proverb for this week is “Teach a kid to catch worms and they will want to go fishing.” It might sound simple but it sure can help a youngster stay out of trouble. That philosophy could probably keep a lot of kids off drugs.

This is a great time of year to get kids away from television, computers, and electronic games and introduce them to God’s great outdoors. Take them fishing, hiking, or just go to a lake and skip rocks. Always point out that God made this beauty for them. You will enjoy the time as much as the kids do. Kids need to see a simple side of life.

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