Friday, July 23, 2010

Testing Our Faith

This has been one of those weeks that seemed to be a month long. As I wrote a while back, our horse Spud has been battling founder or sometimes called laminitis for quite some time. He has slowly been getting more lame. Dr. Bob came out and took x-rays and called that they didn’t look good and Spud might have to be put down. This has been a week of tears and restless nights thinking how much the little horse has captured our hearts in a year. Bob recommended that we call Jim Walker, a farrier, and have him look at Spud.

We were torn between losing Spud and being greedy keeping him alive but in extreme pain. Jim showed up this afternoon and said he could trim Spud’s hooves to shift the weight and make him walk better. So I held onto Spud as Jim worked on the hooves. Spud was very good and soon started nibbling on my belt loops and anything else he could find. As soon as Jim finished, I let Spud go and he reached over and gave Jim a kiss. Spud is walking much better and is on a strict diet to lose one hundred pounds fast. This will take stress off his hooves. I hope he likes the diet as much as he enjoyed the trimming.

Was I stressed this week? OH YA! I felt deep down that the condition with Spud was really an attack from Satan since he knew this was a way to shake my world. I had a few talks with God, especially this morning as I worked on a landscape project in town. I desperately wanted to turn the whole night mare over to God but found it hard to completely let go of it. I know God cares about everything in our lives even Spud. I also know that my God is all powerful. Peter said the devil goes around like a roaring lion devouring everything in his path. As Christians, we have the blood of Jesus to protect us from the lion as He defeated the devil on the cross. “The battle is mine” says the Lord.

God also sent two wonderful people in our lives. Our friends, Ken and Dee came over at noon to be here when Jim arrived. Their concern and feelings were a blessing. I can never thank them enough for what they did. They even brought a get well card from their mule, Blanch for Spud. What about those friends

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