Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Fishing With Grandpa

Recently we took the granddaughters ice fishing as they had been asking to go for quite some time. It was a nice sunny afternoon and they were excited to be pulled in a sled across the ice to where their dad was fishing. Vance had been fishing all morning and had around one hundred nice perch . I bored some new holes and set down to catch some fish but the fishing had slowed down. After catching six perch I decided to try some other holes nearby. Lizzie and Hanna were patiently waiting to catch a perch. Lizzie finally caught one and her excitement could be heard by everyone on the ice. I started catching perch from one hole about twenty feet from Hanna and Lizzie. I could look down the hole into three feet of water and see nothing but swirling perch. Fish after fish soon lay on the ice. Lizzie was watching me and slowly pulled out the line from the hole she was fishing and came shuffling toward me. Even though she never said anything, I could see by her expression that she wanted me to share some fish with her. I told her to get ready so when I caught the next one ; she could put her line down the hole. When she caught one I would put mine down. Soon Lizzie was shouting with glee as we had fish flopping all over the ice. In about a half hour we caught nearly sixty nice perch. Hanna even caught two on her own as she patiently set on a sled and fished.

I noticed some other guys catching fish and they were soon swooped down upon by two other fishermen like hungry vultures. Some guys are so brazen that they will drop their line down your hole when you pull up a fish. Two days later I went fishing right away in the morning hoping the early bite was on. I took our dog Sadie along for company and she enjoyed playing on the ice. Soon I caught a nice perch which really entertained Sadie by flopping around on the ice. One of the vultures was fishing about one hundred yards away and immediately grabbed his gear and headed toward us. I kept on watching the pole as the man approached. Sadie sat down and fixed her eyes on the approaching fisherman who was closing in fast. Suddenly a deep growl emerged followed by a very loud bark. The fisherman quickly turned and went past us , heading for another section. He definitely knew Sadie wasn't going to share our fishing spot. The funny part is that was the only perch I caught all morning.

God and Grandpa's are very much alike. Grandpa will always hand down blessings to the granddaughters ; reading their favorite stories , sharing fishing holes, buying their first bow. All they have to do is ask in a child like manner and it is Grandpa and Grandma's pleasure to fill their request. We have a loving God who blesses us with the same child like requests.

Mark 10 :15 tells us to receive the kingdom of God like a little child. It is saying to have the faith a child has in their parents and grandparents. Anticipation of love and security; trusting in them for everything. As adults we aren't too good at relying on God , instead we often try to get through life without Him. He waits patiently for us to communicate with Him. Remember God wants a relationship with us every day. He will even let you fish out of His favorite spot , be prepared for a tremendous catch of blessings

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