Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Listen for the Lord

Monday evening, Ardella and I went bear hunting. We stopped to look over a clearcut where bears like to hang out on a green strip of old road. The woods were quiet except for the distant calling of a great grey owl. The snow covered peaks of the Selkirk Range were magnificent and reminded me of the majesty of God. What an awesome Creator! We were greeted by a female mountain bluebird as she perched in a small cedar tree. Suddenly she flew to the top of a dead cedar snag and was joined by her mate. They were busy inspecting a nest cavity for their coming family. The bluebirds picked a tree with a tremendous view. They continued to fly around close to us and the colors of blue were spectacular. We also noticed a pair of robins busy feeding their little ones in a nest low to the ground in a small hemlock tree. It was tempting to go closer but we respected their privacy.

Psalm 46:10 says " Be still and know that I am God." Sometimes we need to slow down so we can listen to God . Take some time to to listen . Even Jesus went into the hills and wilderness to hear what his Father wanted to tell him. So go to the mountains , a lake shore , or a quiet place and listen for God. He will tell you some amazing things.

Larry Book

1 comment:

MLove said...


Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging. I think you'll find it both enjoyable and fulfilling.

Now, do we call Connie your "blogmother"?
